
Friday 5 April 2013

Bourjois Jaune Trendy with abstract dandelions

Bourjois Jaune Trendy with abstract dandelions

Here is Bourjois Jaune Trendy, a mustard yellow, which appears orangey yellow here but I can't capture the right shade or color-correct no matter how I tried! (-_-)" Think I might have to try to get a picture in the sun to see if I can get it right.

Update: Tried another shot in indirect sunlight, it is a bit light but the color is more accurate.

Bourjois Jaune Trendy with abstract dandelions

As it was a mustard yellow, it gave off a retro feeling and I decided to paint some abstract dandelions. "Abstract" cos I'm bad with freehand painting :p And why only 3 out of 5 nails? Same reason, haha. As you can see from the up close pics, I need more practice (>_<), but from a distance, it's not too bad and I'm quite happy with it, even my right hand is not too disastrous.

The polish was kinda hard to apply as it was a little thick so when I put too little polish on the brush, there were brushstrokes but if I loaded with more polish, it flooded the cuticles. Maybe I'm not used to the brush?

Anyway, below is a 2 coats swatch and on my screen, the bottle looks more like the right color.
Bourjois Jaune Trendy

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