
Friday 15 February 2013

Half moon and leopard print nails

First post on my first ever blog! My interest in nail polish started late but gathered momentum rather swiftly and since now my nails are almost always painted (hence bare nails no more ;) ) and I often take pics of them to keep a record, thought I could share them on a blog for fun.

However, I'm no manicurist nor professional blogger, hence paint job/cuticles might be messy and pics are normally taken whenever/wherever convenient with iphone so please bear with them. Hopefully I will improve with practice and be able to share better pics!

Guess I will start with one of my favourite freehand nail art so far - half moon leopard print

half moon leopard china glaze essence

Colors used are:
Half moon: China Glaze Swing Baby
Base: Essence Toffee to go
Spots: Rimmel First Class
Outline of spots: Essence Wanna say hello

I used reinforcement rings for the half moons and did the rest with a dotting tool. Found that leopard prints are relatively easy and give striking results, will definitely try them again another time when I'm about to go on vacation!

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  1. Oooh wow! I’m not sure how I feel about these….But I think I like it.

    You are so neat at painting your nails and your hands and cuticles are so nice :D

    1. Thanks for your kind comments! This is one of my neater ones but the light glittery shade close to the cuticles certainly helped to make flaws less obvious as well :p

      Btw, I'm so excited to get a comment actually, haha...and you are the first! Thanks again!

  2. The nail art is sooo perfect! Love it!
