
Thursday 21 February 2013

Essence Sure Azure stamped with BM312 and BM311

Essence Sure Azure stamping BM312 BM311

Colours used:
Base - Essence Sure Azure
Wavy lines - Essence Let's Get Lost and BM312
Flowers - Sally Hansen Pink Satin and BM311

I thought Let's Get Lost would work as a stamping polish as it was opaque in my previous post but it didn't stamp as well as I hoped, probably cos of my poor stamping skills and thin lines involved as well (-_-)"

So I decided to add flowers to it to help distract and cover up the mess, and thankfully, Pink Satin stamps very well and helped to make it look halfway decent so that I didn't need to remove and redo my nails *phew* :p And I guess I ended up with a bit of a wallpaper-ish look?

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